Saturday, 4 November 2017

Chicken Salt Pringles

Have you read the headlines, everyone? They proclaim "CHICKEN SALT FLAVOUR - AUSSIE FAVOURITES" and it's followed by a whole paragraph of stream-of-consciousness like superlatives about what a wonderful world it is. Lo and behold the new variety of Pringles, Chicken Salt flavour.

Now before you hurl hateful words like 'fake news' around regarding the joy of these little tubes of chippies, I'll have you know that this paragraph is plastered all over the packaging. Most definitely not an egregious claim.

I haven't really kept an eye out on Pringles since there was a big hoo-haa about it moving production to Malaysia and I just CAN'T KEEP UP if products don't have more than 5g of sugar in a serving. They're certainly waaaaay smaller than I remember them being, but who knows - maybe I've literally tripled in size since the last year when I last had them. It's really had to get a scope of size when you're taking pictures on an iPhone, so your guess is as good as mine.

The good news is, since Chicken Salt is basically just powered chemicals and 100% not made from chicken (these have the Pringles vegetarian tick of approval btw), you literally get EXACTLY what the packet promises. They're pretty tasty and are a way less soggy alternative to popping chicken salt on hot chips, and will probably be a good hit if you enjoy that exact flavour.

There were a couple of other flavours available in this range that we dare not try out of the sheer exhaustion of having to face another day through "chip-shaped lenses" but keep an eye out for Cheese Sambal and Meat Pie too.

Flavour Rating: 4 out of 5
Worth Trying?: Yes!

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